Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

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Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation following a surgical procedure is important for re-establishing joint motion, muscle strength around the joint and finally joint function. At ICU Physiotherapy, we understand that it is very important to understand that rehabilitation is a long process and while the surgery is performed within hours, the rehabilitation needs many months, potentially up to a year. We also understand the difference between the length of the surgery and the time needed for rehabilitation is huge.

Our therapists at ICU Physiotherapy are there to help you and make your post surgery recovery journey comfortable and less painful. We will work around your needs and pain threshold. We will set short term and long term, realistic, achievable goals and progresses your treatment plan accordingly. We will also keep you positive and motivated which also lead to quick road to your recovery. We will involve you and your carer/family in your management which further speed up the whole process.

Our therapist will progress your rehabilitation using functional approach by adding some tasks in your day today life.

We will make you understand the importance of proper stimulation of the body part operated. This is a very complex process, because we need to let the tissue mature. We will provide you proper advice and guide you with our expertise for the right stimulation in form of appropriate exercise and treatment plan.

Our therapists also understand that the of rehabilitation is doing the right exercises at the right time, with the right balance between not enough and too much exercise. So, neither complete rest nor sporting activities is advisable in this phase of rehabilitation. Something in the middle is required. That balance changes during the weeks and months after surgery. This is where our therapists will come handy and you can have complete peace of mind.